Dear Friends,
For over half a century The Opportunity Center has provided a loving, supportive and life-enhancing program to adults with a wide range of disabilities. Despite the overwhelming challenges over the past two years, the Opportunity Center has not stopped with this mission but everything has radically changed. The pandemic has impacted and continues to change the daily life of the entire population but has created additional burdens, sadness and isolation experienced by people with disabilities. This past year, the Opportunity Center reopened their doors and has taken a number drastic actions in the interest of the health and safety of our clients.
Every year our Parents Group sponsors the “Dove of Love” fundraiser to enrich the lives of our clients. Although everything has drastically changed, the Opportunity Center continues to provide safe excursions, outdoor field trips, special instructors (now via zoom) and a host of other life-enriching programs that promote our clients’ happiness through engagement, socialization, recreation and new experiences.
Tuition and donations keep us going. Our dedicated staff works as much out of love and devotion to our clients as for the modest compensation we can afford to pay them. This is our only planned fundraiser for 2022 so we need your support more than ever.
Your Dove of Love donation helps the clients we serve to soar and reach their fullest potential. Thanks, in advance, for your generosity.
The Opportunity Center Parents’ Group

Dove of Love 2022